The Abstracts will be published in BIOCELL, official journal of SAIB
Poster guidelines:
Printed dimensions must be 90 cm wide x 120 cm high
The Title, Summary and Full Text of the Poster must be written in English
Oral communications guidelines:
must be prepared in PowerPoint files in English.
Oral communications will be in English and will have 12 min. (9 min of exposure and 3 min of discussion.
Abstract submission is closed
Thank you for you interest in submitting an abstract to the 2019 Joint LV Annual SAIB Meeting and XIV PABMB Congress
The organizers will choose a limited number of abstracts among those submitted, to give oral presentations at the meeting. All other accepted authors are expected to give poster presentations.​
To submit an abstract, you must first register for the meeting. After registering, you will get an email with the registration number to access our online abstract submission system.
We remind you that at least one of the authors of the abstract must be SAIB member with exception of registrations made by PABMB members or NON-MEMBERS. If there are no SAIB members among the authors of the abstract, the registration must be made in the NON-MEMBERS category. In this case, the abstract must be endorsed by a SAIB Member. In all cases, for the abstract to be considered, it will be required that SAIB member who signs or endorses the abstract has its Annual membership fee up to date (including 2019)
​Abstract submission: already closed