Encarnacion Martinez Salas
Centro de Biologia Molecular Severo Ochoa., Universidad Autonoma Madrid, España
“RNA-binding proteins modulating translation control”
Martinez Salas group is interested in understanding alternative mechanisms for translation initiation. Internal ribosome entry sites (IRES) replace the 5'cap end function, which in typical mRNAs provides the anchoring site of the translation machinery.
Bruno Amati
​European Institute of Oncology, Milano, Italy
"Genome recognition and transcriptional regulation by myc: the unsolved equation"
Bruno Amati´s group has a long-standing interest in the c-myc oncogene and its product, the Myc protein. In general terms, his research aims at explaining the oncogenic activity of Myc, its action on the genome, its effects on cell cycle progression, cell death and differentiation, the tumor suppressor pathways that antagonize it, and their impact on tumor progression and maintenance
F. Gisou van der Goot
Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, School of Life Sciences, Switzerland
"Dynamic control of protein function by palmitoylation "
One of the Goals of the van der Goot lab is to understand how palmitoylation controls protein localization, turnover and function, and how this reversible lipid modification is regulated.
Philip Stahl
Washington University School of Medicine, St Louis, MO, USA
“Exosomes: the rise of a new paradigm in intercellular communication"
Dr. Stahl has made contributions to the understanding of endocytosis, membrane trafficking and cell signaling. These include the discovery of a sugar-specific lysosomal enzyme clearance pathway, advances in the understanding of GTPases that regulate endosome fusion, endocytosis and receptor recycling, the discovery of the “exosome secretion pathway
Robert Gennis
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Il, USA
"Structure of the alternative complex iii in a supercomplex with cytochrome oxidase"
His laboratory is primarily engaged in studying membrane-bound metalloproteins that catalyze electron transfer reactions coupled to the generation of both a voltage and ion gradient across the membrane bilayer. His goal is to determine the catalytic mechanisms and, in particular, the way by which these enzymes generate an electrochemical potential gradient across the membrane
Alejandro Colman Lerner
IFIBYNE,Conicet, Facultad Ciencias Exactas y Naturales , UBA, Argentina
"Robustness and information processing in a cell fate decision system"
Colman-Lerner group studies the molecular systems that govern asymmetric gene expression and transduction and signal processing in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Francisco Barrantes
Laboratorio de Neurobiología Molecular, BIOMED, Facultad de Ciencias Médicas UCA–CONICET
"4 Billion Year-old Nanoscale Intimacy Between Ion Channels and Sterol-like Molecules: an evolutionary dialogue"
The general research objective of his group is to clarify fundamental aspects of synaptic function. They study the topology of the receptors in the synapse, and of the molecular mechanisms that operate in the excitatory synaptic transmission, and in particular of the cholinergic one, as well as its counterpart, the pathological alterations responsible for the alterations in properties such as the so-called "plasticity" of the synapses of the central nervous system